Friday, October 28, 2011

The Waiting Room

There is a waiting room,
where everyone comes,
at least once,
carrying nothing,
not even their own,
supposedly known

The traveler is alone,
the destination unknown,
rather, there is none.
There are only journeys,
of different kinds
to different places
with different people.

The only pause is in
the waiting room.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Line of Control

A line of control exists
between likes and dislikes
There are people on both sides -
residents and wayfarers,
spies and refugees.
Then there are things,
which for no reason,
keep switching sides,
like pesky politicians.

At times we go too far,
on either side, in search
of happiness, or God,
and end up with naught.
Instead it's best to stand,
in the no man's land,
'n just gaze at the sun
and life, rise and set.
Creative Commons License
Poetry and prose by Avishek Ranjan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License