Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Help please

Help me, if you'll.. please,

Burn all the pixels in my brain
containing your memories.

Make paper planes..No..boats,
from those unsent letters,
to set sail in the ocean.

Rub the sketches that I made,
of you walking on beach at sunset.

Jumble the letters in words
of poetry until they lose sense.

Forget your tunes, the notes,
amidst the noise in my life.

Crush the crushed daffodils,
resting in journal margins.

Live with my forsaken heart
never ever beating again.


  1. Nice one. The last two lines remind of Davy Jones' heart from the movie Pirates of the Carribean:Dead Man's chest!

  2. Thanks. Davy Jones' ...yes...wondering why it didn't strike me !


Creative Commons License
Poetry and prose by Avishek Ranjan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License