Friday, July 8, 2011


Tottering on the lanes of life,
I suddenly see my one foot leaping
into what I've avoided all my life -
A gaping manhole. Too late,
it is!  The other foot follows,
loyal to his twin, leaves me agape
at my utter loss of control over me.
A deluge of thoughts gushes in
a fraction of a second. Thoughts
of death, amalgamated with the past.
"It's all over", I say with eyes closed.

What happens next is perhaps
worse than the awaited end.
I'm stuck, contorted, one half in,
hands pointing towards
dark dungeons of destiny,
the other half staring blankly
at the beautiful destination. 
Writhing in pain, I cry for help,
with a choked throat. But Alas!
The lane is forsaken, as it is -
'A road less taken'. Travelers,
if at all, are busy, after all !
I pray, to whom they call
God. If I can't get out, at least,
let me fall, yes, plunge into the
gaping manhole of love.

1 comment:

  1. Haan dost... Nice but seems it is post effect of RAC on March 2010!!!


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Poetry and prose by Avishek Ranjan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License