Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Painful, it is
when life whips at you,
with lacerating blows !
And you wail, anyone will !

Unless you're blessed,
that continues.......
Perhaps, it is a test
or a lesson of forbearance !

A stage comes when,
skin metamorphoses into hide...
when you no longer feel the pangs
& tears dry before they betide !

And, all of a sudden,
they stop...the whips!
And you start missing them,
the void of pain pains!


  1. nice!!!! u r missing it ????????

  2. "A stage comes when,
    skin metamorphoses into hide...
    when you no longer feel the pangs
    & tears dry before they betide !

    And, all of a sudden,
    they stop...the whips!
    And you start missing them,"

    Great poem - pain turning to anger till you're transformed into something else entirely...

    Sometimes life does make us feel this way - as if this is what's happening to us. However

  3. nice one!!!

    loved the lines: skin metamorphoses into hide...
    & tears dry before they betide !

  4. Thanks Vignesh, I haven't reached that stage yet! :P
    Thanks, Anubhav & Nikhil !

  5. And, all of a sudden,
    they stop...the whips!
    And you start missing them,
    the void of pain pains!

    Vague.Occupied Void. It somehow seems to wriggle the soul.

    And Metamorphosis reminds me of Metamorphosis by Kafka..

  6. Thankyou for comments.
    Void is always vague, like the black hole.
    And the intent WAS to wriggle the soul, glad it did.


Creative Commons License
Poetry and prose by Avishek Ranjan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License